Doing it better is part of how you grow and improve your business and life. Doing it better requires each of us to learn about new methods that might affect us or our business. We will continue to add articles that will help you think of new ways to do it better.

If you have a specific topic you would like us to write about, please contact us and would be glad to research and write on it or maybe share some links to others that are doing it better.

November 28, 2021

8 Problems & Solutions to Help Avoid Small Business Failure

8 Problems / Solutions to Help Avoid Small Business Failure By Gary J Kiecker, NorthStar Business Intelligence Group 11/27/2021 There are many reasons entrepreneurs start a business, and […]
May 10, 2019

Are you an Entrepreneur?

An entrepreneur is generally someone that comes up with an idea and takes that opportunity to start, organize and grow it into a business or businesses.  […]
May 10, 2019

Is Your Product Idea a Good One?

So you have an idea for a new product, process or service, but is it a good idea for a business? How can you tell if […]
May 10, 2019


Identifying a real business opportunity can be tricky…you have to dig deep and ask many questions.  Ask yourself if your product or service fulfills the needs […]
May 10, 2019

Are You Producing Customers?

Successful businesses focus on generating new customers in multiple markets while servicing current customers constantly strengthening the value being offered by their product and service.  This […]
May 10, 2019

What Profit Target Are You Hitting

Are you successful at hitting what you are aiming at?  How do you know what target is the one you should be aiming at?  Small businesses […]
May 10, 2019

Building “A Team”

Having a group of individuals come together to successfully accomplish a task is why most of us want to build a team in the first place.  […]
May 10, 2019

8 Small Business Challenges

Running a small business today takes a lot of determination, stamina and problem solving skills by the owner if they want to even attempt to run […]
May 10, 2019

The Big Cheese, Leadership

Every organization has a leader, even the organizations you belong to. Every entity, every company, every City, County, State and Country has a leader.  The leader […]
May 10, 2019

Help for Your Small Business & You

When you own and operate a small business or are thinking of maybe starting one the act of hiring others to assist you in defining, fully […]
May 10, 2019

See Yourself as a Business & Life Professional?

Have you ever thought of yourself as a professional in anything? A business & life professional?  What do you do really well?  What do you want […]
April 4, 2019

Solutions To Help Your Small Business Succeed & Prosper

There are many reasons entrepreneurs start or buy a business, and just as many reasons why that business could fail and still many more reasons why […]

Helping You & Your Business Find A Better Way